• Overview

    Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins often seen in the legs. Resulting from weakened valves and increased pressure, they hinder blood flow, leading to swelling and discomfort. Common causes include genetics, prolonged standing, or pregnancy. While often benign, they can cause pain and cosmetic concerns. Treatment options range from lifestyle changes and compression stockings to advanced interventions like Laser, Glue, and Foam Sclerotherapy. These procedures aim to close or remove affected veins, redirecting blood flow. Seeking medical advice is crucial for personalized management, ensuring relief and preventing complications associated with varicose veins.

Recognizing Symptoms of Varicose and Spider Veins

From Colors to Sensations, Know What to Watch

  • Dark purple or blue veins signal varicose veins
  • Twisted, bulging cords on legs indicate varicose veins
  • Painful symptoms may include leg heaviness and cramping
  • Worsened pain after prolonged sitting or standing
  • Itching around veins could be a sign of discomfort
  • Skin color changes around veins highlight varicose concerns
  • Spider veins, smaller and red or blue, resemble webs
  • Found on legs and face, they vary in size

Varicose Veins: Understanding Causes, Risks, and Complications

From Valves to Risks: Delving into the Vein Dynamics

  • Weak valves in veins lead to varicose vein development
  • Muscular leg contractions and elastic vein walls aid blood flow
  • Valves open to let blood flow, close to prevent backward flow
  • Risk factors include age, sex, pregnancy, family history, obesity
  • Aging causes valve wear, allowing blood to pool in veins
  • Hormonal changes in women increase varicose vein risk
  • Pregnancy enlarges leg veins due to increased blood volume
  • Family history increases the likelihood of varicose veins
  • Obesity and prolonged sitting can add pressure to veins
  • Complications may include ulcers, blood clots, and bleeding

Preventing Varicose Veins: Strategies for Healthy Circulation and Comfort

Elevate Legs, Embrace Movement: Simple Habits for Vein Wellness

  • Improve blood flow and muscle tone to reduce risk
  • Avoid high heels and tight hosiery for comfort
  • Regularly change sitting or standing positions
  • Maintain a high-fiber, low-salt diet for vein health
  • Incorporate exercise into your daily routine
  • Elevate legs when sitting or lying down
  • Watch weight to reduce pressure on veins

Why People Choose Us?

Exceptional Vascular Care: Precision, Expertise, and Patient-Centric Dedication

  • Educational Excellence: DNB, MS, MBBS, Gujarat University
  • Decades of Experience: Over 12 years in vascular surgery
  • Hospital Affiliation: Associated with Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
  • Cutting-Edge Specialization: Expertise in Peripheral Vascular Surgery
  • Medical Advancement: Plays a key role in advanced surgical interventions

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Dr. Nikhil Sharma-vascular surgeon
Dr. Nikhil Sharma

Vascular & Endo Vascular Surgeon

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